

小時候我聽到伯母在講時下流行歌越來越難聽時,總覺得老人不但意見多,耳朵也很老,為何〈明日天涯〉或〈夢中人〉會比〈一樣的月光〉或〈哭砂〉好聽啊?終於,我也來到了覺得流行歌難聽、二十幾年前流行的老歌好聽的年紀了,例如在聖誕節腳步將近的現在,這首可稱之為歌手大合唱開山祖師的〈Do They Know It's Christmas〉,每年都毫不例外的,跟Wham!那首現在聽來小俗的〈Last Christmas〉準時在我家響起,如今看到二十四年前如此年輕帥氣的Paul Young、Bono、Sting、George Michael、Duran Duran和Spandau Ballet主唱Tony Hadley恍如昨日一般青春大合唱,真希望時光從未流逝啊!

另,我不是故意不提Culture Club的Boy George和那時已經童山濯濯的Phil Collins,而是,這兩位實在有老起來放的感覺啊!

此外,近年來讓我印象特別深刻的還有電影《愛是您‧愛是我》裡過氣歌手Bill Nighy唱的那首惡搞Wet Wet Wet金曲〈Love Is All Around〉的〈Christmas Is All Around〉,由於老頭唱得異常猥褻,每次只要電影出現這首歌,我就會忍不住放聲大笑。

此外,我也不大懂日本人為何對Last Christmas這麼情有獨鍾,除了織田裕二主演過以此為名的日劇,並翻唱同名單曲外,連Exile這個團體也再翻一次耶,想想還滿神的,喬治應該要偷笑了才對。

Do they know it's Christmas◎Band Aid(1984)
It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid
At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy
Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time
But say a prayer, pray for the other ones
At Christmas time it's hard, but when you're having fun
There's a world outside your window
And it's a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom
Well, tonight, thank God it's them, instead of you
And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time
The greatest gift they'll get this is life
Where nothing even grows
No rain nor rivers flow
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?
Here to you
Raise a glass for everyone
Here to them
Underneath that burning sun
Do they know it's Christmas time at all?
Feed the world
Feed the world
Let them know it's Christmas time again

(雖然MV中大多數的臉看來都很熟,但我實在不是每個都叫得出名字啊,看到也曾那麼帥的Sting,我再次確定當時我喜歡他不是因為音樂,而是長相啊!此外,那個女子三人組就是Bananarama,知名歌曲乃翻唱老歌〈Venus〉。這首〈Do They Know It's Christmas〉後來又有兩個版本,但在人親曲親的前提下,1984年的版本對我來說才是真正的經典。)

另,日劇《29歲的聖誕節》除劇情對白大好,男女主角的組合(山口智子、柳葉敏郎、松下由樹)至今仍讓人懷念不已,由近年來很愛露的瑪麗亞凱莉姊姊唱的主題曲〈All I Want For Christmas Is You〉,也是我滿愛的一首。


事實上,全世界樂壇對聖誕節都超有感覺的,十一月開始,西洋樂壇就會湧起一陣聖誕歌曲熱,近年來我特別喜愛的聖誕相關歌曲有三首,分別是Coldplay的〈Christmas Lights〉、Owl City的〈Peppermint Winter〉以及陳奕迅的〈My Private Christmas〉,雖說老歌還是一樣叮噹作響沸人心胸,但新歌也自成格局,不妨一聽。

Coldplay〈Christmas Lights〉

Owl City〈Peppermint Winter〉

陳奕迅〈My Private Christmas〉


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